20 January 2010

The result..

It's a NO...
This past 2 months I've been waiting for this. And it ended up just like.. this.
I'm not ashamed to admit it. Well, I was crying that night. And guess who's there to cheer me up? Me myself and I. Yes, the world will keep on moving and I'll keep on standing.

Yess, I'm not accepted. But it's not like the end of world huh? I'm sure God has his OWN way for my life.

Soo I'm gotta be ready for SIMAK UI! (11 april)

are words the heart can't express.

06 January 2010


Heyya happy new year :) Sejauh ini 2010 biasa2 aja, ga ada yang spesial. Cuma mgk tekanan krn 2 bulan lg uan yg bikin beda. Tapi gue ga masalah ah, emang uda kewajiban toh haha. Skrg pelarian gue dari dunia nyata gue adalah kabur ke Manhattan bersama Princess Mia and JPRAIV, atau ke Forks bersama Bella and Edward. Lalu menyibukkan diri dengan tugas. It's fun. Call me a geeek. Who are you to judge the life that I live? I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. Boo-yaaaaaah

Jasper to Annie : With you, I can do anything.