26 September 2014

New experience

I'm not a talkative, easy to mingle kind of person. But when I meet the person who has the same frequency as I am, boooom I can talk and talk and talk. And it's nearly impossible for me to stop talking (true story bro). The thing is, finding that same frequency person is nearly as hard as finding needle in the sea. So most of the time, I am the quiet one (and sometimes I feel sorry for this, especially when I caught playing with my smartphone in the crowd).

This thing bothers me because actually I want to learn to be more talkative, easy to mingle, and so on, so I can expand my link of friends and colleague and learn more about life. On the other side, it feels like trying to be someone or something I am not. Believe me when I say I hate crowd THAT much. It's better for me to stay home, doing nothing, or stay wherever alone than be stuck in room full of people I don't know. 

Yesterday, I had a new experience with this thing. I helped the Communications department in the Press Conference Event. My job was being the-go-to-girl who has to make sure that the event is going smoothly. I had to deal with the money, documents, letters, security, crew, agency, band, and event organiser. No, actually it's not that complicated because the other teams had done an amazing job. I just had to make sure of everything.

Long story short, the event went smoothly and successful. And as for me, I have a new experience in this communication field and I am glad to help them. Oh, and I also meet a new friend who is happened to be my college buddy's high school friend (talking about small world). I am looking forward to experience another new thing!

with the Boss!

with the Comms!

16 September 2014

Juice Cleanse

Di era social media ini, begitu banyak aktivitas yang jadi mainstream. Satu orang ngelakuin, sisanya semua orang ikutan, mulai dari makanan, tempat nongkrong, lari, dsb. Nah, tentang makanan, akhir-akhir ini lagi ngehip banget kan makanan-makanan sehat kayak overnight oats, smoothie, juice, raw, diet mayo gitu-gitu kan. Jadi atas dasar ingin mengikuti gaya kekinian dan menantang diri sendiri gitu, gue pun mencoba untuk melakukan Juice Cleanse. Gak, gue nggak pesen dari toko juice instagram mana gitu, buat sendiri, dipackage sendiri, diminum sendiri. Hahahha.

Jadi, ada 6 botol jus yang harus diminum seharian. Jedanya 2 jam sekali.
Botol pertama : pisang + stroberi.
Botol kedua : nanas + pepaya.
Botol ketiga : pisang + buah naga merah.
Botol keempat : semangka.
Botol kelima : apel + wortel.
Botol keenam : nanas + jeruk.
Gue mulai dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 7 malam.

Review : Surprisingly nggak laper seharian itu. Malahan seneng karena setiap 2 jam sekali ada yang masuk mulut haha, jadi belom sempet laper eh udah makan lagi. Secara akik anaknya brutal yah kalo soal makanan, bawaannya laper mulu -.- Seharian gitu badan jadi enak juga, berasa entengan hahaha. Terus hari ini gue sudahi cleansenya kan, ini untuk test drive aja gitu sehari aja jadinya. Hari ini gue makan kayak biasa lagi dan sepertinya untuk sebulan sekali juice cleanse enak juga! Bagi yang mau coba, dibuat sendiri aja, lebih ekonomis ;)